Intraoperative Fragment Tracking for Periacetabular Osteotomy

Case ID:

Intraoperative Fragment Tracking for Periacetabular Osteotomy

JHU REF: [11816]

Invention Novelty: The current invention is an intraoprative surgical imaging and modeling method to assist in periacetabular osteotomy (hip dysplasia) surgeries.


Value Proposition: Hip dysplasia is a medical condition that is characterized by a misalignment of the hip joint. The cause can be driven by congenital or developmental factors, both of which lead to significant arthritis in this joint. While hip replacement surgery can be used to address this issue, this procedure is not appropriate for all patients. This is largely due to the implanted devices have a limited lifetime. Currently, this procedure requires that the hip bone to be cut, reoriented, and fixed with screws to allow for better interaction with the femur at the hip joint. The new technology aids in this procedure and has the following advantages:

·        Applies imaging data to computerized anatomical models to display the position of the acetabular fragment, prior to it being fixed with screws.

·        A reference frame can be built from applying the computer model, providing surgeons with accurate positioning information so that they have confidence in the new orientation of the bone

·        Does not require extra fiducial markers


Technical Details: Johns Hopkins researcher have developed a method to interaoperatively comfirm hip fragment position in 3D and improve the accuracy of this procedure. For younger patients periacetabular osteotomy is an alternative procedure that repositions a section of hip bone to correct misalignments. This invention imparts trackable features on the bone which may then be monitored intraoperatively.


Looking for Partners: To develop and commercialize the technology as a method of tracking bone fragments during orthopedic procedures.


Stage of Development: Pre-Clinical


Data Availability: Under CDA/NDA


Inventors: Simon Mears, Mehran Armand, Robert Armiger, Jyri Lepisto, Ryan Murphy

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