Phase I: Partially Automated Central Venous Access Device under Real-Time Three-Dimensional Ultrasonic and Augmented Reality Guidance Systems for Vascular Neural Networks Development

Case ID:

Unmet Need

Central Venous Access (CVA) is a standard procedure done more than 5 million times in the United States annually (New England Journal of Medicine, 2002). In this procedure, a long thin and hollow plastic tube called a catheter is inserted into a vein manually and guided towards the heart. Often times, CVA is aided by the use of ultrasound to provide real time visualization during catheter insertion. Placement of the catheter allows for reliable vascular access in those requiring prolonged intravenous therapies or in critically ill patients.

While ultrasound guidance has significantly reduced the incidence of complications from rates as high as 11.8 to 4-7% through improved visualization, operator experience is still a significant contributor to complications (International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science, 2015). Complications can include bleeding, arterial puncture, arrythmia, and pneumothorax that often. Therefore, there is a strong need for a device that can assist operators during catheter insertion to address the remaining sources of error and complication.

Technology Overview

Inventors at Johns Hopkins have developed a handheld, battery operated device that can automate central venous access. The design utilizes a modular platform with multiple components that can be marketed independently or as a kit to fit the needs of the operators and procedure. Furthermore, through incorporation of artificial intelligence, the platform is able to capture possible variations in the vascular system and capture data for future development, refinement, and translation to other vascular access or percutaneous procedures.


Stage of Development

The inventors are currently manufacturing the prototype.




Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
DEVICE, SYSTEM, AND METHOD OF VENOUS ACCESS PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty United States 18/719,932   6/14/2024     Pending
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