Antibodies Against CCAR1 Confer Protection Against Cancer

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Brief Description

Stanford and JHU researchers identify an autoantibody response in dermatomyositis patients that is protective of cancer, which may have applications in cancer screening and treatment.

Technology Summary

Researchers at Stanford University and Johns Hopkins University have identified an antibody that is negatively associated with cancer in patients diagnosed with dermatomyositis. Although anti-TIF1-γ-positive dermatomyositis patients have an increased risk of cancer compared to the general population, a substantial subgroup either never develop cancer or have less aggressive diagnoses. In their study, antibodies against CCAR1 were present in a third of anti-TIF1-γ-positive patients, and was significantly negatively associated with cancer diagnosis within three years of the first onset of dermatomyositis symptoms. The inventors are in the process of developing ELISA diagnostic screens for anti-CCAR1 towards clinical and commercial use.

Stage of Development

The inventors have developed a prototype of a cancer-screening assay that uses the identified antibody and are working towards optimizing the method for clinical and commercial use.


Cancer screening in dermatomyositis patients

Possible target for cancer treatment or immunization


  • May improve cancer risk stratification - identification of a protective antibody may improve diagnosis accuracy and screening efficiency
  • First in class, no biomarkers currently exist to stratify risk in dermatomyositis patients


Fiorentino, D. F., Mecoli, C. A., Rosen, M. C., Chung, L. S., Christopher-Stine, L., Rosen, A., Casciola-Rosen, L. Immune responses to CCAR1 and other dermatomyositis autoantigens are associated with attenuated cancer emergence. J Clin Invest. 2022;132(2)

Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
METHODS AND MATERIALS FOR TREATING CANCER PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty European Patent Office 22828994.8   6/7/2022     Pending
METHODS AND MATERIALS FOR TREATING CANCER PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty United States 18/573,224   12/21/2023     Pending
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