Non-circular CT Orbit Design for Minimization of Metal Artifacts

Case ID:

Unmet Need

·        Computed tomography scans (CT) are highly detailed, cross-sectional images that provide critical information for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes (FDA); however, this imaging modality is susceptible to “missing data” due to metal artifacts of implants or other tools (Alzain et al.). Current techniques to overcome these obscured regions rely on projection-based metal artifact reduction (MAR) that uses interpolation from surrounding uncorrupted projections through pattern assumptions that may lead to inaccuracies in the final image (Katsura et al.). Therefore, there is a need for a novel approach to accurately image around metal artifacts in CT scans.

Value Proposition

·        Complete imaging around a metal artifact

·        Generalizable design criteria for arbitrary metal placements – no redesigns necessary for each patient

·        Resilience to multiple metal objects in field of imaging

·        Broad application by leveraging existing technology for non-circular orbits (robotic C-arms, helical orbits, etc.)

Technology Description

·        Researchers at Johns Hopkins have developed a design algorithm to accurately image around metal artifacts in CT scans. Utilizing algorithms for image completeness and advances in hardware capable of automated non-circular orbits, this technology allows for detection of structures that would have been completely obscured by metal from an implant or tool in a standard CT scan.

Stage of Development

·        This technology has undergone rigorous theoretical design and is in the simulation stage.

Data Availability

Data is available within the publication below or at this link.


Grace J. Gang, Jeffrey H. Siewerdsen, J. Webster Stayman, "Non-circular CT orbit design for elimination of metal artifacts," Proc. SPIE 11312, Medical Imaging 2020: Physics of Medical Imaging, 1131227 (16 March 2020);

Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
OPTIMAL SCAN PATTERN FOR MEDICAL IMAGING DEVICE PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty United States 17/753,726 12,097,055 3/11/2022 9/24/2024 8/24/2041 Granted
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