Technology Description
· Researchers at Johns Hopkins have developed a streamlined workflow for performing targeted imaging in image mass cytometry (IMC) with improved region of interest (ROI) selection.
· This approach for ROI identification uses adjacent stained sections (e.g., H&E, PAS) with more prominent tissue features as a guide.
· ROI locations are automatically marked onto the digital images of the IMC labeled sections to be analyzed, allows users to scan images at the targeted locations almost instantly.
Unmet Need
· Image mass cytometry (IMC) is used to analyze tissue specimens by generating high-dimensional spatially resolved molecular information at a subcellular resolution. IMC produces precise images of labeled markers and can co-detect protein and RNA.
· Speed of image acquisition for IMC is limited, requiring researchers to select a ROI for analysis. Small ROIs (mm2) can be imaged in 2-3 hours vs. days to weeks for whole tissue sections (cm2-in2).
· ROIs are currently identified manually from unstained IMC sections, which is both time consuming and prone to error.
· Therefore, there is a strong need to develop improved processes for ROI selection that will reduce processing time and effort, improve analytic precision.
Value Proposition
· Streamlines the workflow of IMC ROI selection to reduce time and effort.
· Applicable across IMC use cases (e.g., research, diagnostics).
· Workflow provides aligned H&E image in the same IMC imaged region, enhancing data interpretation.