Scent presenting device and application for olfactory testing and training
JHU Ref #: C17768
Value Proposition:
· Handheld scent-presenting device for flexible smell training
· First consolidated methodology for smell testing and training
· Device standardizes smell training
· Easy-to-navigate smartphone applications
· Compliance tracking
Unmet Need
Olfactory dysfunction (OD) can result from several causes including pathogenic infection, facial trauma, or as an early indicator of neurodegenerative conditions. This can result in social disconnect, psychological distress, and food aversion. The gold standard for OD is smell training, or the repeated exposure to certain odorants. However, smell training may be ineffective due to delayed diagnosis, vague instructions, and a lack of tracking progress. Therefore, there is a strong need for a consolidated, easily accessible method for screening and tracking smell training progress to address the lack of standardization in smell training devices.
Technology Description
Researchers at Johns Hopkins have developed a scent-presenting device and companion smart phone application for screening and treating olfactory dysfunction (OD). The device and app track several variables in the smell training process including total time spent training, order of scent presentation, user training schedule, and distance of perceived scent. Importantly, the application is coupled with compliance tracking for physician use.
Stage of Development
Looking for partnership pending prototype finalization. Pursuing clinical trials and medical device licensing.