Search Results - joshua+de+souza

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Low Cost Manual Cataract Fragmentation Device for Improved Access and Outcomes
Unmet Need / Invention Novelty: 17 M people are blind and 83.5 M have moderate-to-severe visual impairment due to cataracts, which disproportionately affect individuals in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The current gold standard, phacoemulsification, requires significant initial capital expense and equipment and recurring costs for consumables...
Published: 6/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Kunal Parikh, Namratha Potharaj, Nicholas Calafat, Daniel Myers, Brittany Reed, Krithik Srithar, Samuel Yiu, George Coles, Kapil Mishra, Nakul Shekhawat, Joshua De Souza
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations > Ophthalmology, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices
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