Search Results - peter+pronovost

2 Results Sort By:
Care Unit Clinical Situational Awareness Command and Control System
C11758: Integrated Healthcare Delivery Monitoring and Control PlatformNovelty: Networked healthcare monitoring and control platform utilizing a novel middleware for efficient and ubiquitous information flowValue Proposition: Lack of integration, interoperability, and ongoing performance analysis permeates all levels of the healthcare delivery system...
Published: 7/4/2024   |   Inventor(s): Alan Ravitz, Adam Sapirstein, Peter Pronovost
Keywords(s): Clinical Workflow Management Tools, Healthcare Management, Operations Management
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Clinical Management, Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Healthcare IT, Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software
Short Term goals form to manage daily work of patient care
C04504: Daily Goal Form for Improved ICU Patient CareNovelty: A healthcare management tool to improve communication and clarify daily goals for patient care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).Value Proposition: Patient care rounds in the ICU are usually more clinician-centric, lacking clarity about tasks and care plans for the day. This invention is a...
Published: 7/4/2024   |   Inventor(s): Peter Pronovost
Keywords(s): Clinical Workflow Management Tools, Healthcare Management, Operations Management
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Clinical Management, Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Healthcare IT, Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software
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