Search Results - robert+cammarata

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Precision Transport, Positioning, and Assembling of Longitudinal Nano-entities
A vast variety of nano-materials made of metallic, semiconductive, magnetic, and polymers have been fabricated into 0D dots, rings, 1D wires/tubes, 2D films, and 3D architectures. Among them, 1D nanostructured wires/tubes have become the focus of recent research. Extensive work reveals that nanowires and nanotubes have unique electronic, optical, magnetic,...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Donglei Fan, Robert Cammarata, Chia-Ling Chien
Keywords(s): Industrial Manufacturing, Manufactured Devices, Manufacturing Method, Microfabrication, Nanowires, Wires
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech > Industrial Manufacturing, Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech, Technology Classifications > Engineering Tech > Industrial Manufacturing
High Performance Nanocrystalline Materials and Methods of Making the Same
C01623: High Performance Nanocrystalline Materials and Methods of Making the SameValue Proposition: Under certain conditions, nanostructured materials have been found to exhibit improved mechanical properties over corresponding, coarse-grained materials. However, most methods for creating nanostructured materials typically involve sacrificing one or...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Robert Cammarata, Changhe Shang, Chia-Ling Chien, Timothy Weihs
Keywords(s): Alloyed Materials (Alloys), Industrial Manufacturing, Nanocrystalline Materials, Novel Materials
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech > Industrial Manufacturing, Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech > Materials, Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech, Technology Classifications > Engineering Tech > Industrial Manufacturing, Technology Classifications > Engineering Tech > Materials
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