Search Results - vishwa+parekh

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Informatics Radiomics Integration System (IRIS): A novel combined informatics and radiomics method for integration of many types of data for classification into different groups for improved visualization
This patent provides new methods for a novel informatics method for the integration of different variables or ontologies using an advanced unsupervised machine learning method which will be used to visualize factors not visible to the human observer. These factors can be unknown characteristics between imaging datasets and other factors which will...
Published: 7/4/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michael Jacobs, Vishwa Parekh
Keywords(s): Image Display Software, Image Processing Software, Imaging and Sensing Systems, In Vivo Medical Imaging, Pattern Recognition Software
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Image Processing & Analysis, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Imaging, Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices
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