Search Results - richard+wiard

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Controllable Motorized Device for Accurate Percutaneous Needle Placement in Soft Tissue Target
C03752: High Accuracy Needle Drive DeviceNovelty: A new apparatus which improves needle placement accuracy when being introduced.Value Proposition: Laparoscopic and percutaneous surgical procedures are highly favored for their minimally invasive nature. In these procedures, tools or therapeutic agents are introduced to the body via a needle. Placement...
Published: 7/4/2024   |   Inventor(s): Dan Stoianovici, Gabor Fichtinger, Richard Wiard, Iulian Iordachita, Louis Whitcomb, Russell Taylor
Keywords(s): Interventional and Surgical Systems, Surgical Instruments
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Surgical, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices
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