Search Results - interventional+and+surgical+systems

163 Results Sort By:
A System and Method for Real-Time Ventricular Arrhythmia Localization and Catheter Navigation Using Surface ECG
Unmet NeedVentricular arrhythmias (VAs) are common arrhythmias associated with morbidity, mortality, and impaired quality of life. The current treatment for VAs is a catheter ablation procedure. This procedure is considered moderately successful at best and the success rate dramatically increases when the ablation is performed by experienced operators....
Published: 3/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): Konstantinos Aronis, Ronald Berger, Natalia Trayanova, Shijie Zhou, Harikrishna Tandri
Keywords(s): Arrhythmias, Cardiovascular Diseases, Disease Indication, Image Display Software, Image Processing Software, Imaging and Sensing Systems, In Vivo Medical Imaging, Interventional and Surgical Systems, Surgical Navigation, Tracking Software
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations > Cardiovascular > Arrhythmia, Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Algorithms, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Surgical, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Cardiology
Apparatus for Insertion of a Medical Device During a Medical Imaging Process
C04033: Device, Method, and System For Needle Insertion Inside a Medical Imager, From Within Body Cavity Technical Details: The Invention is a device, computerized system, and methods for entering a needle into the body inside a medical imager such as a MRI scanner, CT, X-ray fluoroscopy, and ultrasound imaging, from within a body cavity (such as...
Published: 3/13/2025   |   Inventor(s): Robert Susil, Ergin Atalar, Gabor Fichtinger, Axel Krieger, Attila Tanacs, Louis Whitcomb
Keywords(s): Imaging and Sensing Systems, In Vivo Medical Imaging, Integrated Imaging System, Interventional and Surgical Systems, Surgical Instruments
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Surgical, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Image Processing & Analysis
Tool for Transurethral Deployment and Fixation of Graft for the Management and Treatment of Urethral Strictures
Novel temporary implant can offer a durable treatment for male urethral stricture by converting a complex open reconstructive surgery into a simple procedure.Unmet NeedUrethral stricture disease causes fibrotic narrowing of the urethra leading to incomplete voiding, frequent and painful urination, and high rates of urinary tract infection. Graft-based...
Published: 3/13/2025   |   Inventor(s): Chanya Godzich Elakkad, Teja Maruvada, Joseph Pia, Shravya Srigiri, Kendall Covington, Edward Wright
Keywords(s): Disease Indication, Fixation Devices, Interventional and Surgical Systems, Surgical Instruments, Urinary Disorders
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Urology, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Surgical, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices
A Device Utilizing Transmission Ultrasonography to Enable Ultrasound-guided Placement of Central Venous Catheters
Invention NoveltyA medical device that utilizes transmission ultrasonography to enable ultrasound-guided placement of central venous catheters.Value PropositionCentral venous catheters in children are typically placed with the use of fluoroscopy, which emits potentiallyharmful ionizing radiation. Ultrasound has the potential of permitting safe real-time...
Published: 3/13/2025   |   Inventor(s): Seth Goldstein, Emad Boctor, Fizan Abdullah
Keywords(s): Imaging Modality, Integrated Imaging System, Interventional and Surgical Systems, Surgical Navigation, Ultrasound (US)
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Imaging, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Surgical, Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices
Apparatus and Methods for Ultrasound Screening of Prostate Cancer
Unmet NeedProstate cancer is the second most common type of cancer in American men, behind skin cancer. It is also the second leading cause of cancer deaths in American males, and there is a continuing need for innovation in diagnosis for those at risk for prostate cancer. After initial diagnostic blood tests for prostate-specific antigens, a prostate...
Published: 3/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): Emad Boctor, Bradford Wood, Reza Seifabadi, Fereshteh Aalamifar
Keywords(s): Clinical Diagnostics, Diagnostic Tool, Image Processing Software, Imaging Probe/Transducer, Interventional and Surgical Systems, Mapping Tool, Surgical Navigation
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Imaging, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Oncology > Prostate Cancer
Brain Sensing Device
Unmet NeedHydrocephalus is the buildup of fluid in the cavities deep within the brain which can lead to brain damage. In order to treat this condition, brain shunts are inserted surgically into a ventricle to drain the excess fluid. Around 125,000 people in the United States are living with these cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) shunts and 33,000 shunts are...
Published: 3/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): Mohamed Rehman, George Jallo
Keywords(s): CNS and Neurological Disorders, Disease Indication, Interventional and Surgical Systems, Measurement Devices, Surgical Instruments, Surgical Tubing
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Surgical, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Neurology
Quantitative Tissue Property Mapping for Real-time Tumor Detection and Interventional Guidance
AbstractReal-Time, Interventional Guidance for Tumor Detection and ExcisionJHU REF: C12934 Invention Novelty: A novel optical method for the identification and differentiation of tumor versus non-tumor tissue with direct visual cue for use in real-time, continuous and noninvasive guidance for tumor excision. Value Proposition: Approximately 13,000 brain...
Published: 3/13/2025   |   Inventor(s): Jiefeng Xi, Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa, Elliott Mcveigh, Kaisorn Chaichana, Carmen Kut, Xingde Li
Keywords(s): Cancers, Disease Indication, Image Processing Software, Image Reconstruction Software, Imaging and Sensing Systems, Imaging Modality, In Vivo Medical Imaging, Interventional and Surgical Systems, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), Surgical Navigation
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Oncology, Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Image Processing & Analysis, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Imaging, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Surgical, Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices
Scaly Aortic Stent Graft
Unmet NeedEvery year, around 200,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). Currently, a ruptured AAA is the 15th leading cause of death in the country. All techniques of repairing AAA utilize the addition of an aortic stent graft to fix the rupture. One of the newer techniques is to attach a graft after extending...
Published: 3/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): Andrew Schulick, Devika Singh
Keywords(s): Cardiovascular Diseases, Disease Indication, Interventional and Surgical Systems, Stents, Surgical Instruments, Surgical Tubing
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Cardiology, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Surgical, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Cardiovascular
Rescue Thoracic Aortic Stent Graft
Unmet NeedThe Artery of Adamkewicz is the name of the dominant artery that supplies blood to the spinal cord. During thoracic aortic stent grafting, the artery can become occluded, leading to a multitude of complications, most commonly, paraplegia. When occlusion of the Artery of Adamkewicz occurs, the pathology is mediated by the covered stent exclusion...
Published: 3/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): Andrew Schulick, Devika Singh
Keywords(s): Cardiovascular Diseases, Disease Indication, Interventional and Surgical Systems, Stents, Surgical Instruments, Surgical Tubing
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Surgical, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Cardiovascular
Curved Angioplasty Balloon
Unmet NeedThe angioplasty of blood vessels is successfully completed in almost 90% of patients that require the procedure and is universally accepted as being an effective and durable method for restoring flow to occluded blood vessels. However, blood vessels are often always curved, yet commercial angioplasty balloons are manufactured only in straight...
Published: 3/13/2025   |   Inventor(s): Andrew Schulick
Keywords(s): Balloons, Cardiovascular Diseases, Dilators/Retractors, Disease Indication, Interventional and Surgical Systems, Surgical Instruments
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Cardiology, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Surgical, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Cardiovascular
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