Search Results - ruojing+li

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Itraconazole Analogs and Use Thereof
C11669: Novel Compounds for Cancer and Macular Degeneration TreatmentNovelty: This invention is a series of novel and potent itraconazole derivative that have showed strong activity against tumor growth and macular degeneration.Value Proposition: The novel compounds effectively inhibit angiogenesis, which is critical for tumor growth and macular degeneration....
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jun Liu, Wei Shi, Kalyan Kumar Pasunooti, Wukun Liu, Ruojing Li, Sarah Head, Yingjun Li
Keywords(s): Antagonists/Inhibitors, Cancers, Disease Indication, Eye Disorders, Macular Degeneration, Novel, Predicted Novelty, Small Molecules, Therapeutic Matter, Therapeutic Substance, Therapeutics
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Oncology, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities > Small Molecules, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Ophthalmology > Macular Degeneration
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