Search Results - sojin+shikano

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Monitoring Functional Kinetics of Vesicular Trafficking - Evidence for "Sleeping" Membrane Receptors on Cell Surface
C04462: Monitoring Functional Kinetics of Vesicular Trafficking - Evidence for "Sleeping" Membrane Receptors on Cell Surface Technical Details: The present inventive method is designed to measure the rate of protein trafficking to cell surface. Such measurement may be used to determine the physiological state of cells under different conditions...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sojin Shikano, Haiyan Sun, Min Li
Keywords(s): Cell Signaling, Discovery/Research Tools, Molecular Switches/Receptors, Research Reagent, Translational Research Biomarker
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Proteins, Ligands & Receptors, Technology Classifications > Research Tools
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