Search Results - charles+young

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Multifunctional Nanoprobe-enabled Capture and Early Detection of Microbial Pathogens
Unmet NeedConventional monitoring of food safety and environment relies on laboratory based biochemical methods such as PCR and ELISA assays. While these methods are well established and possess high sensitivity and specificity, they are time consuming, laborious, require skilled personnel, sophisticated facilities and strict cleaning standards, which...
Published: 7/4/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chao Wang, Kellogg Schwab, Charles Young
Keywords(s): Bacterial Infections, Clinical Diagnostics, Diagnostic System, Disease Indication, In Vitro Diagnostics
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Infectious Diseases > Bacterial Infections, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics > In Vitro Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Infectious Diseases
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