Search Results - christine+o%27keefe

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Digital High Resolution Melt Microfluidic Platform and Assay for Assessing Locus-specific Molecular Heterogeneity of DNA Methylation
Value Proposition·      Simple, low-cost microfluidic tool that evaluates DNA methylation using non-invasive liquid biopsy samples. ·      Allows for sensitive, specific evaluation of epigenetic biomarkers for early detection of cancer. ·      Includes software and algorithms for improved diagnostic interpretation of DNA methylation analyses. Unmet...
Published: 3/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): Tza-Huei Wang, Christine O'Keefe, Thomas Pisanic
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Diagnostics > In Vitro Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics > Diagnostic Biomarkers, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Microfluidics, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Assays, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Blood & Tissue Samples
High-throughput microfluidic platform for high-density immobilization and parallelized quantitative real-time measurements of droplets
Unmet Need:Droplet platforms, which compartmentalize samples into encapsulated droplets for high-throughput analysis, have been used to detect and analyze diverse molecules, including nucleic acids, proteins, and single cells, at a higher sensitivity than traditional methods. Despite advantages in sensitivity and throughput, most existing droplet analysis...
Published: 3/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): Tza-Huei Wang, Christine O'Keefe, Aniruddha Kaushik
Keywords(s): Assay, Clinical Diagnostics, Discovery/Research Tools, In Vitro Diagnostics (Old), In Vitro Research Tool, Microfluidic, Target-based Screening Tool
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Microfluidics, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Assays
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