Search Results - david+hackam

5 Results Sort By:
Novel Inhibitors of Toll Like Receptor 4 for the Prevention and Treatment of Inflammatory Disorders
Unmet Need / Invention Novelty: TLR4 (Toll-like receptor 4) is the most upstream receptor in the pro-inflammatory cascade for endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS). While normally downregulated gradually after full-term birth, high levels of TLR4 expression in infants born prematurely is associated with the development of NEC (necrotizing enterocolitis),...
Published: 3/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): David Hackam, Peng Lu, Chhinder Sodhi, Peter Wipf, Adam Montoya
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities > Small Molecules, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Inflammation > Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Pediatrics
Discovery of Novel Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Ligands and their Analogues for the Prevention and Treatment of Inflammatory Disorders
Unmet Need: Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is the acute onset of inflammation in the gut of babies, and is the leading cause of premature infant mortality from gastrointestinal disease. The mortality of NEC is over 30%, and those infants who do survive suffer significant deficiency due to the effects of a damaged intestine, as well as profound cognitive...
Published: 3/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): David Hackam, Peng Lu, Chhinder Sodhi, Peter Wipf, David Kornfilt
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations > Inflammation, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Gastroenterology, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Inflammation > Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities
Discovery of Novel Compounds that Enhance Enteric Nervous System Function
Unmet needNecrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a condition of newborns in which a portion of the bowel dies. NEC affects one in 1000-4000 births, or about 10% of preterm children and is associated with an overall mortality of up to 40%. NEC is thought to be caused by defective bacterial-host signaling during colonization of the intestine with bacteria,...
Published: 3/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): David Hackam, Peng Lu, Chhinder Sodhi
Keywords(s): Agonists/Promoters, Disease Indication, Inflammatory Disorders, Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC), Non-novel, Predicted Novelty, Repurposed, Small Molecules, Therapeutic Matter, Therapeutic Substance, Therapeutics
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities > Small Molecules, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities > Repurposed Drugs, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Inflammation > Necrotizing Enterocolitis
C34 triols in the treatment or prevention of inflammatory disorders in children and adults with a focus on necrotizing enterocolitis
Unmet Need Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is the leading cause of death and disability in premature infants. The disease is characterized by a bacterial infection in the intestines that quickly progresses to organ death if untreated. Current treatment of NEC entails surgically removing the diseased parts of the intestine. However, this procedure leads...
Published: 3/13/2025   |   Inventor(s): David Hackam, Chhinder Sodhi, Peter Wipf
Keywords(s): Antagonists/Inhibitors, Disease Indication, Inflammatory Disorders, Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC), Small Molecules, Therapeutic Matter, Therapeutic Substance, Therapeutics
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations > Inflammation > Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities > Small Molecules
Use of AHR Agonists to Prevent or Treat NEC in Premature Infants
UNMET NEED: Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is the leading cause of death from gastrointestinal disease in premature infants. The main risk factors for the development of NEC are prematurity, bacterial colonization and administration of formula feeds, which in the setting of an abnormal microbiome lead to enhanced signaling via toll like receptor 4...
Published: 3/13/2025   |   Inventor(s): David Hackam, Chhinder Sodhi, Jun Liu, Peng Lu
Keywords(s): Agonists/Promoters, Disease Indication, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Novel, Predicted Novelty, Small Molecules, Therapeutic Matter, Therapeutic Substance, Therapeutics
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Gastroenterology, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities > Small Molecules, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities
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