Search Results - keenan+wyrobek

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MRI Compatible Positioning Arm
C04166: MRI Compatible Positioning ArmNovelty: A new positioning arm that can be used safely during an MRI imaging study.Value Proposition: The use of robotic surgical systems is becoming increasingly popular due to their ability to perform steady and precise actions using minimally invasive methods. However, due to their construction, these devices...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Dan Stoianovici, Keenan Wyrobek, Dumitru Mazilu, Louis Whitcomb
Keywords(s): Imaging and Sensing Systems, Imaging Modality, In Vivo Medical Imaging, Interventional and Surgical Systems, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Robotic Surgical System Hardware, Surgical Control Systems, Surgical Navigation
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Surgical, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Imaging
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