Search Results - zoila+lopez+bujanda

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Detection of circulating methylated DNA for high-sensitivity cancer diagnostic and treatment planning
Unmet Need / Invention Novelty: Circulating tumor-associated methylated DNA is an important biomarker for early detection of cancer, risk assessment, predicting and monitoring response to therapy and early detection of relapse. Current tests designed to detect methylated tumor DNA in patient fluids such as the serum and plasma are challenged by low...
Published: 10/3/2024   |   Inventor(s): Saraswati Sukumar, Mary jo Fackler, Antonio Wolff, Zoila Lopez Bujanda, Wei Wen Teo
Keywords(s): Assay, Clinical Diagnostics, In Vitro Diagnostics
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Diagnostics > In Vitro Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Assays, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Research Tools
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