Search Results - clayton+andrews

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An Oscillatory Atherectomy Device Incorporating a Novel Burr Design and Torque Limiting System for the Safer Treatment of Advanced Coronary Artery Disease
Unmet NeedCardiovascular disease is the leadind cause of death globally and the most significant cost contributor to the health care system. When coronary plaques become heavily calcified - which is typical in older patients with long-standing coronary disease and those with co-morbidities such as chronic kidney disease - the compliance of the vessel...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Caitlin Romanczyk, Peter Johnston, Chao-Wei Hwang, George Coles, Clayton Andrews, Joshua Punnoose, Quinn Salditch, Scott Sterrett, Zachary Buono, Paige Frank, Ananya Gupta
Keywords(s): Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular Diseases, Disease Indication, Interventional and Surgical Systems, Irrigation/Drainage Tools, Mechanical Cutters/Incision Tools, Surgical Instruments, Vascular Diseases
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Cardiovascular > Atherosclerosis, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Cardiovascular > Vascular Diseases, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Surgical, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Cardiovascular, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices
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