Search Results - fan-en+chen

2 Results Sort By:
Methods for Reagent Storage and Stabilization within an Automated Assay Scaffold
Unmet Need / Invention Novelty: On-demand magnetofluidic cartridges containing pre-loaded assay reagents present a low-cost, simple point-of care diagnostic solution. However, current technology lacks provisions for prolonged shelf-life at ambient temperatures and stable transport without leakage of the pre-loaded reagents. Technical Details: Researchers...
Published: 6/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Tza-Huei Wang, Alexander Trick, Fan-En Chen
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Engineering Tech > Materials
Method for Genetic Analysis of Plant Materials in Remote Testing Sites
Unmet NeedThe study of plant genetics has immense economic impacts as many crops are genetically modified to increase yields or provide resistance to herbicides and diseases. Because of these changes, many genetically modified crops have been heralded as having great potential in developing countries. Even in the United States today, approximately 92%...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Tza-Huei Wang, Dong Shin, Fan-En Chen, Yue Yun
Keywords(s): Discovery/Research Tools, In Vitro Research Tool, Research Instrument, Research Reagent
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Specimen Handling, Technology Classifications > Engineering Tech > Agriculture
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