Search Results - orthotic+device

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Cabell-O Weighted Ankle Foot Orthosis: Adding weight to an ankle foot orthosis (AFO) could improve the gait pattern of some patients with movement disorders
Unmet NeedA child’s gait can be affected through many diseases.  Millions of children are challenged by cerebral palsy with spasticity, cerebral palsy with a jump gait pattern, cerebral palsy with dystonic movements, and hemiplegia originating from different etiologies. All of these conditions lead to impairments that affect gait patterns.  Ankle Foot...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Temrah Okonski, Marlies Cabell
Keywords(s): Orthotic Device, Orthotics, Therapeutic Devices, Therapeutics
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Orthopedic Devices
New Art Development of Stable Eyes Rehabilitation Device
C12265 Device for Treatment of Gaze StabilityInvention novelty: This technology is a medical device to improve vertigo, which results from a patient’s damaged inner ear (vestibular system) on one side. This technology can improve the gaze stability.Value Proposition: Researchers have been developing treatment methods for the gaze stability problem....
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Americo Migliaccio, Michael Schubert
Keywords(s): Orthotic Device, Orthotics, Therapeutic Devices, Therapeutics
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Orthopedic Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Therapeutic Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices
Medical Device for Treatment of Ulnar Neuropathy
C04545: Medical Device for Treatment of Ulnar Neuropathy Value Proposition: Key Benefits • Stand alone device for treating ulnar neuropathy • Affordable • Safe • Easy to wearTechnical Details: UlnarGuardTM is a non-invasive medical device used for treating pain and disability due to ulnar neuropathy. It is designed to worn under clothing so that...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Justin Mcarthur, Beth Hogans
Keywords(s): CNS and Neurological Disorders, Disease Indication, Neuropathy, Orthotic Device, Orthotics, Therapeutic Devices, Therapeutics, Ulnar Neuropathy
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Neurology > Neuropathy, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Neurology > Ulnar Neuropathy, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Orthopedic Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Therapeutic Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Neurology
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