Search Results - himatkumar+patel

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Novel, Scalable System for the Manufacture of Electrospun Fibers and Devices
UNMET NEED There are a number of parameters that affect the electrospinning process including polymer, solvent, polymer: solvent ratio, flow rate, voltage, distance to collector, collector type and speed, and needle size.5 Typical electrospinning setups allow for the manufacture of aligned or random fiber mats composed of nano- or micro-fibers. These...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Justin Hanes, Himatkumar Patel, Kunal Parikh
Keywords(s): Electrospinning, Industrial Manufacturing, Manufacturing Method
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech > Industrial Manufacturing, Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech, Technology Classifications > Engineering Tech > Industrial Manufacturing
A Surface Conjugation Approach to Formulate Nano-carriers for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Tracking
Nanoparticle Diagnostic and Therapeutic ImagingJHU REF: [C12327]Invention novelty: Improved method for magnetic resonance imaging of diagnostic and therapeutic nano-carriers.Value PropositionThere is an urgent need to develop simple and safe approaches to image nano-carriers in vivo over the course of treatment, which allows physicians to monitor the...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Justin Hanes, Himatkumar Patel, Michael Mcmahon, Kannie Chan, Nikita Oskolkov, Tao Yu
Keywords(s): Cancers, Disease Indication, Drug Delivery Vehicle, Imaging Agent, Imaging and Sensing Systems, Imaging Modality, In Vivo Medical Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Nanoparticles, Therapeutic Matter, Therapeutics
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Oncology, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Imaging, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities > Therapeutic Delivery Platforms, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities
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