Search Results - ie-ming+shih

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Exomic sequences of ovarian clear cell carcinomas
Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma (OCCC) is an aggressive cancer that is generally resistant to therapy. To gain novel insights into the genetic origin of this tumor type, we determined the exomic sequences of eight tumors after immunoaffinity purification of neoplastic cells. Through comparison to normal cells from the same patients, we identified four...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sian Jones, Victor Velculescu, Kenneth Kinzler, Nickolas Papadopoulos, Ie-Ming Shih, Bert Vogelstein
Keywords(s): Biomarker, Cancers, Clinical Diagnostics, Disease Indication, In Vitro Diagnostics, Mechanism-of-action Biomarker, Ovarian Cancer
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Oncology > Ovarian Cancer, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Women's Health, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics > Biomarkers, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics > In Vitro Diagnostics, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Oncology
DNA integrity assay (DIA) for cancer diagnostics, using confocal fluorescence spectroscopy
Value Proposition: Traditional DNA integrity testing relies on real time PCR to amplify a limited number of chromosomal loci and determine the relative proportions of segments. This suffers from biased amplification that will skew the distribution of DNA lengths and make accurate determination of concentrations difficult. In addition, PCR based methods...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Kelvin Liu, Ie-Ming Shih, Tza-Huei Wang
Keywords(s): Assay, Cancers, Clinical Diagnostics, Disease Indication, In Vitro Diagnostics
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Oncology, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics > In Vitro Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Assays, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Research Tools
Small Molecule Inhibitors Targeting PBX1-DNA Binding to Treat Drug Resistant Cancers
Invention novelty: Panel of newly-synthesized small molecule antagonists of PBX1-DNA interaction for the treatment of different cancers and other non-neoplastic diseases. Value Proposition: Pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox-1 (PBX1) is a homeodomain transcription factor that interacts with DNA and other proteins to regulate a variety of biological processes...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Tian-Li Wang, Ie-Ming Shih, Jin Jung, Mark Vaal, Alexander Stoeck
Keywords(s): Antagonists/Inhibitors, Cancers, Disease Indication, Novel, Ovarian Cancer, Predicted Novelty, Small Molecules, Therapeutic Matter, Therapeutic Substance, Therapeutics
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Oncology, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities > Small Molecules, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Oncology > Ovarian Cancer
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