Search Results - joseph+savitt

4 Results Sort By:
Floxed Ret Mouse
C10009: Floxed Ret Mouse Technical Details: Scientists at JHU have created a mouse that harbors mutations allowing for the conditional inactivation of the Ret protein through the use of Cre mouse lines. Looking for Partners: These mouse lines can be used to investigate the role of GDNF in neural cell development and survival and may help to...
Published: 3/13/2025   |   Inventor(s): David Ginty, Ted Dawson, Joseph Savitt
Keywords(s): Basic Research Biomarker, Discovery/Research Tools, In Vivo Research Tool, Knock In Mouse Model, Mouse Model
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Animal Models, Technology Classifications > Research Tools
Floxed GFRalpha-1 Mouse
C10008: Floxed GFRalpha-1 MouseValue Proposition: Technical Details: Scientists at JHU have created a mouse that harbors mutations allowing for the conditional inactivation of the GFRalpha-1 protein through the use of Cre mouse lines.Looking for Partners: These mouse lines can be used to investigate the role of GDNF in neural cell development and survival...
Published: 3/13/2025   |   Inventor(s): Ted Dawson, Valina Dawson, Joseph Savitt
Keywords(s): Basic Research Biomarker, CNS and Neurological Disorders, Discovery/Research Tools, Disease Indication, In Vivo Research Tool, Knock In Mouse Model, Mouse Model, Parkinson's Disease
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Animal Models, Technology Classifications > Research Tools, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Neurology > Parkinson’s Disease
TH, Bcl Conditional KO mouse
C04422: TH, Bcl Conditional KO mouse Technical Details: Transgenic mouse that lacks expression of Bcl-x in Tyrosine Hydroxylase-positive Neurons.Looking for Partners: This mouse is a useful tool for the molecular study of neural disorders, which include neuronal degeneration, protection and response activation. This animal (Bcl-x Mouse) uniquely contains...
Published: 3/13/2025   |   Inventor(s): Ted Dawson, Joseph Savitt
Keywords(s): Basic Research Biomarker, Discovery/Research Tools, In Vivo Research Tool, Knock Out Mouse Model, Mouse Model
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Animal Models, Technology Classifications > Research Tools
TH - Cre Mouse
C04421: TH - Cre Mouse Technical Details: A transgenic mouse, which produces the Cre Recombinase in Catecholaminergic Neurons.Looking for Partners: This mouse is a useful tool to study, at the molecular level, neuronal cell degeneration, protection and other related causes for neural cell disorders. This mouse is unique in the use of a TH promoter...
Published: 3/13/2025   |   Inventor(s): Ted Dawson, Joseph Savitt
Keywords(s): Basic Research Biomarker, Discovery/Research Tools, In Vivo Research Tool, Knock In Mouse Model, Mouse Model
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Animal Models, Technology Classifications > Research Tools
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