Search Results - raimond+winslow
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Associating a Subject with their Time-series Data: A Distinct Method to Get Physiological Data for a Subject While Maintaining a Level of Security by Separating Them
Unmet NeedTime-series data is essential to understanding patient progress, disease course, and response to treatment. While it is currently possible to store and access time series records, many factors are removed or not recorded, resulting in confounding variables to patient data. Thus, there exists a need for methods to filter time-series data by...
Published: 3/14/2025
Raimond Winslow
Stephen Granite
Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Databases
Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Healthcare IT
Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Clinical Management
Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Electronic Medical Records
aEYE: Automated Eye Movement Detection
Unmet Need:Eye movement frequently inform diagnoses of neurological dysfunctions and states. For example, such signatures may help gauge response to therapy, assess intoxication, and identify brain injury. A method is needed to predict and detect predict subtle eye movements for such applications. Technology Overview:Inventors at Johns Hopkins have...
Published: 3/14/2025
Kemar Green
Raimond Winslow
Julian Billini
Joseph Greenstein
John Morkos
David Newman-Toker
David Zee
Narayani Wagle
Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Algorithms
Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Artificial Intelligence
Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Machine Learning
Technology Classifications > Diagnostics
Clinical and Disease Specializations > Neurology
Johns Hopkins University PROTEIN-DB2 Database System
C04853: Johns Hopkins University PROTEIN-DB2 Database SystemNovelty: The current invention is a relational database for proteomic experiments.Value Proposition: Proteomic data collection follows complex workflow, ranging from gel electrophoresis to mass spectrometry to liquid chromatography or a combination thereof. In addition, amplification of low-abundance...
Published: 3/13/2025
Raimond Winslow
Stephen Granite
Chunguang Yang
Ali Ali
Donita Robinson
Computer and Network Systems
Computer Software
Computing; Calculating; Counting
Data Processing Systems or Methods, Specifically Adapted fo~
Data Processing Systems or Methods, Specifically Adapted for
Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Financial Tech
Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software
Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Databases
An Algorithm for the Discovery of Robust Protein Biomarkers with Application to the Design of Classification Protein Arrays
C04758: An Algorithm for the Discovery of Robust Protein Biomarkers with Application to the Design of Classification Protein ArraysNovelty: The current invention is a general, quantitative method for the selection of protein biomarkers supporting accurate, sensitive and specific classification of protein profiles.Value Proposition: Biomarker discovery...
Published: 3/13/2025
Donald Geman
Daniel Naiman
Troy Anderson
Aik Choon Tan
Raimond Winslow
Computational Modeling Tool
Computer Systems Based on Biological Models
Computer Systems Based on Specific Computational Models
Computing; Calculating; Counting
Discovery/Research Tools
In Silico Research Tool
Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software
Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Algorithms
Technology Classifications > Research Tools
A Novel Statistical Method to Identify Robust Prostate Cancer Marker Genes
C04747: A Novel Statistical Method to Identify Robust Prostate Cancer Marker GenesNovelty: The disclosed invention is a novel method for discovering robust, accurate, sensitive and specific gene biomarkers by combing microarray gene expression sets collected from different patient populations sharing the same diagnosis across multiple laboratories.Value...
Published: 3/13/2025
Lei Xu
Aik Choon Tan
Donald Geman
Daniel Naiman
Raimond Winslow
Clinical Diagnostics
Computer Systems Based on Biological Models
Computer Systems Based on Specific Computational Models
Computing; Calculating; Counting
Diagnostic Tool
Disease Indication
Prostate Cancer
Clinical and Disease Specializations
Clinical and Disease Specializations > Men's Health
Clinical and Disease Specializations > Oncology > Prostate Cancer
Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software
Clinical and Disease Specializations > Oncology
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