Search Results - david+gracias

17 Results Sort By:
Oral Delivery of Biologics Using Ingestible Microinjectors
Technology Description·        Researchers at Johns Hopkins have developed methods for delivering oral formulations of traditionally parenteral medications (e.g., insulin, infliximab).·       After oral delivery, autonomous microscale injectors are triggered by physiological cues in the intestine to steadily release macromolecular pharmaceuticals through...
Published: 6/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Gracias, Florin Selaru, Arijit Ghosh
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations > Diabetes, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities > Therapeutic Delivery Platforms
3D Shell MEAs for Electrically Active Organoids
Value Proposition·        3D shell MEAs is a novel platform for encapsulation, electrical stimulation, and recording of organoids·        Electrophysiological measurements of electrically active 3D organoids. ·        Relevant to brain development, neurological disorders, drug screening; neuromorphic computing and brain-machine interfaces; and organoid...
Published: 6/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Gracias, Lena Smirnova, Qi Huang
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations > Autoimmunity, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Neurology, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Neurology > Motor Neuron Diseases, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Neurology > Multiple Sclerosis, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Neurology > Neurodegeneration, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Neurology > Neuropathy, Technology Classifications, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Stem Cells, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Assays, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Human Cell Lines, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Cell Lines, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Research Stem Cells
Gel Crawlers
Autonomous stimuli responsive gel crawlersJHU Ref #: C17788Value Proposition:·        Unidirectional crawler without necessity of wiring, external power supply, or patterned surface.·        3D-printed, cheap and easy to mass produce.·        Direction and speed can be controlled by strategic gel design.·        Minimally invasive and could be used...
Published: 6/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Gracias, Siming Deng, Noah Cowan, Thao Nguyen, Jiayu Liu, Bibekananda Datta, Aishwarya Pantula
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices
Shape-Changing Implants for Pediatrics
Unmet Need / Invention Novelty: Current synthetic and/or biological grafts used to address congenital heart abnormalities in infants and children have fixed sizes. The rapid growth of the infant or child inevitably leads to major mismatches between expanding surrounding tissues and the static original implant, which obstructs blood flow and necessitates...
Published: 6/28/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sung Hoon Kang, David Gracias, Lewis Romer, Narutoshi Hibino, Galip Erol
Keywords(s): Cardiovascular Diseases, Coronary Heart Disease, Disease Indication, Implanted Device, Implants, Interventional and Surgical Systems, Stent, Surgical Instruments, Therapeutic Devices, Therapeutics
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations > Pediatrics, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Cardiovascular > Vascular Disease, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Surgical
Method to Form DNA Hydrogels and Shape Changing Devices
Unmet NeedSmart materials are designed materials with one or more properties that can be significantly changed by external stimuli. Materials and devices that can change shape are critical to the function of soft robots, programmable matter, and many smart therapeutics. However, current shape change materials cannot be changed without a specific chemical...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Gracias, Thao Nguyen, ChangKyu Yoon, Rebecca Schulman, Angelo Cangialosi, Ruohong Shi
Keywords(s): Biopsy Tools, Clinical Diagnostics, Diagnostic Tool
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Diagnostics > In Vitro Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics
Fluoropolymer Ink and Process for Additive Manufacturing
Unmet NeedDue to its unique mechanical, chemical, and thermal capabilities, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is a fluoropolymer that has reached 200,000 tons in production worldwide in 2019. This number is expected to increase exponentially in the next decade because of the high demand for PTFE use from the biomedical, pharmaceutical, and aerospace industries....
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Gracias, Zhuoran Jiang, Devina Chatterjee, Galip Erol, Sung Hoon Kang, Lewis Romer, Narutoshi Hibino
Keywords(s): Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing), Industrial Manufacturing, Manufacturing Method
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering Tech > Industrial Manufacturing
Method to form DNA hydrogels and shape changing devices and actuators
Unmet NeedMaterials and devices capable of changing their shape are critical to the function of soft robots, programmable matter, and smart therapeutics. Many ‘smart’ materials and devices feature a stimulus-responsive architecture that allows for the shrinking or swelling of designated regions under controlled conditions. These mechanical deformations...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Angelo Cangialosi, ChangKyu Yoon, Joshua Fern, Thao Nguyen, David Gracias, Rebecca Schulman
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Therapeutic Devices
An Optical Display Based on Chemical Release from Printed Porous Voxels
We describe the concept of utilizing precisely patterned and chemically loaded three-dimensional porous containers akin to “chemical voxels” to enable dynamic visual patterns via spatial and temporal control of both local and global chemical release. Using numerical simulations and experiments, we show how variations in porosity, volume, shape and relative...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yevgeniy Kalinin, Jinpyo Hong, Shivendra Pandey, David Gracias
Keywords(s): Chemical particulates, Environmental Sensing, Imaging and Sensing Systems, Integrated Sensing System, Sensing Modality
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Sensors, Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech > Energy, Infrastructure & Environment, Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software, Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech, Technology Classifications > Engineering Tech > Energy, Infrastructure & Environment
Bioabsorbable self-folding tools for single cell capture and manipulation
Biocompatible Micro – Grippers for Single Cell AnalysisJHU REF: [C12843]  Invention Novelty: Biocompatible, self- folding micro- grippers able to capture and manipulate a single cell activated by desired environmental stimulus for both in vivo and in vitro analysis   Value Proposition:  Scientists and engineers are consistently seeking improved tools...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Gracias, Kate Malachowski
Keywords(s): Interventional and Surgical Systems, Surgical Instruments
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Surgical, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices
Three Dimensional Microwell Array
C11150: Three Dimensional Microwell ArrayValue Proposition: Parallel encapsulation of living cargo in an array format while enabling interaction with the surrounding in all three dimensions. Increased surface to volume ratios allow preventing cell death related to hypoxia and in general to lack of nutrients resulting in increased efficiency of bioartificial...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yevgeniy Kalinin, Christina Randall, David Gracias
Keywords(s): Discovery/Research Tools, Drug Delivery Vehicle, In Vitro Research Tool, Polymers, Research Instrument, Therapeutic Matter, Therapeutics
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Research Tools, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities > Dendrimers & Polymers, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities > Therapeutic Delivery Platforms, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities
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