Search Results - warren+grayson

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Controlled Outgassing of Hyberbarically Loaded Materials for the Delivery of Oxygen and Other Therapeutic Gases in Biomedical Applications
Unmet NeedThe lack of oxygen, or “hypoxia,” can result in severe tissue damage when localized to a region of tissue in the body. Hypoxia also presents a road block to advancement for in vitro tissue engineering because large tissues, organs, and 3D cell cultures quickly develop hypoxia outside the body due to the difficulty in transporting oxygen. Oxygenating...
Published: 3/13/2025   |   Inventor(s): Warren Grayson, Colin Cook
Keywords(s): Implantation Method, Implants, Therapeutic Devices, Therapeutics
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Therapeutic Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices
3D-printed Bone Extracellular Matrix Scaffold
Decellularized bone particulates are mixed with polycaprolactone (PCL) or another thermoplastic material. The material, when heated above a specific temperature, becomes a viscous liquid PCL suspension with bone particulates that can be extruded from an extrusion-based three-dimensional printer. This allows for the construction of anatomically shaped,...
Published: 3/13/2025   |   Inventor(s): Warren Grayson, Jennifer Elisseeff, Ben Hung, Ethan Nyberg, Tram Nguyen
Keywords(s): Disease Indication, Implants, Skeletal Disorders, Therapeutic Devices, Therapeutics
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Musculoskeletal, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Therapeutic Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices
Outgassing of Hyperbarically Loaded Polymeric Materials for Biomedical Applications
Unmet NeedTherapeutic gas delivery remains one of the greatest challenges in tissue engineering. Consequently many technologies and approaches have been developed but all lackeffective ways to deliver sufficient therapeutic gas, such as oxygen, to targeted regions within deeper tissue. This invention introduces a means of delivering therapeutic gases...
Published: 3/13/2025   |   Inventor(s): Warren Grayson, Colin Cook
Keywords(s): Disease Indication, Drug Delivery Vehicle, Implantation Method, Implanted Device, Implants, Therapeutic Devices, Therapeutic Matter, Therapeutics, Tissue Engineering/Regenerative Devices, Wound Healing
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Therapeutic Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Regenerative Medicine, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities > Therapeutic Delivery Platforms, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Wound Healing
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