Search Results - jason+benkoski

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Implantable Bioreactor for Delivery of Paracrine Factors
C11231 Implantable Bioreactor for Delivery of Paracrine FactorsBackground Intracoronary infusion and intra-myocardial injection of stem cells are believed to improve cardiac function after a heart attack by enhancing repair of damaged...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Gary Gerstenblith, Chao-Wei Hwang, Peter Johnston, Gordon Tomaselli, Jeffrey Brinker, Robert Weiss, Jason Benkoski, George Coles, Steven Schulman
Keywords(s): Drug Delivery Device, Implanted Device, Implants, Therapeutic Devices, Therapeutics
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Therapeutic Devices, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices
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