Search Results - rachel+sarabia-estrada

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Novel Human Metastatic Breast Cancer Cell Line (RBC3)
C11928: Novel Human Metastatic Breast Cancer Cell Line (RBC3) Value Proposition: Johns Hopkins researchers developed a human breast cancer cell line (RBC3) to study spinal metastasis. Specifically, the cell line was isolated from a spinal metastatic lesion, and was tagged with GFP and luciferase. When RBC3 is injected into the left ventricle of athymic...
Published: 7/4/2024   |   Inventor(s): Daniel Sciubba, Mari Groves, Colette Aprhys, Rachel Sarabia-Estrada, Patricia Zadnik
Keywords(s): Breast Cancer, Cancer Cells, Cancers, Cell Lines, Cell Model, Discovery/Research Tools, Disease Indication, Human Cell Lines, In Vitro Research Tool, Translational Research Biomarker
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Oncology > Breast Cancer, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Women's Health, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Cell Lines, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Human Cell Lines, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Oncology, Technology Classifications > Research Tools
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