Search Results - mikhail+pletnikov

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Homozygous Mutant DISC1 Mice, Lines 1001 and 1302
Homozygous Mutant DISCI MiceJHU REF: C11617  Invention Novelty: The disclosed technologies are two tangible materials that are improved homozygous mouse strains with inducible expression of mutant human Disrupted-In-Schizophrenia-1 (hDISC1) using Tet-off system under the control of CAMKII.    Value Proposition: The disclosed materials are improved...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Mikhail Pletnikov
Keywords(s): Basic Research Biomarker, Cell Lines, CNS and Neurological Disorders, Discovery/Research Tools, Disease Indication, In Vitro Research Tool, In Vivo Research Tool, Mouse Cell Lines, Mouse Model, Psychiatric Diseases, Schizophrenia, Target, Therapeutic Matter, Therapeutics
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Psychiatry > Schizophrenia, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Animal Models, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Cell Lines, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Psychiatry, Technology Classifications > Research Tools, Technology Classifications > Therapeutic Modalities > Targets
PC12 Cell Model of Inducible Expression of Mutant DISC1
C10725: PC12 Stable Cell lines of Inducible Expression of Disrupted in Schizophrenia (DISC1)Value Proposition: JHU inventors have produced neuronal (PC12) cell lines with inducible expression of DISC1. PC12 is a neuronal cell line derived from a pheochromocytoma of the rat brain. This technology includes an inducible Tet-off PC12 cell model with stable...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Christopher Ross, Mikhail Pletnikov
Keywords(s): Basic Research Biomarker, Cell Lines, CNS and Neurological Disorders, Discovery/Research Tools, Disease Indication, In Vitro Research Tool, Psychiatric Diseases, Rat Cell Lines, Schizophrenia
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Psychiatry > Schizophrenia, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Animal Models, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Cell Lines, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Psychiatry, Technology Classifications > Research Tools
Mutant DISC1 Inducible Transgenic Mouse Model of Schizophrenia
C10198: Mutant DISC1 Inducible Transgenic Mouse Model of SchizophreniaValue Proposition: Transgenic mice with inducible expression of mutant human DISC1 (hDISC1) limited to forebrain regions, including cerebral cortex, hippocampus and striatum were generated using the TET-off gene expression system under the regulation of the CAMKII promoter. Expression...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Christopher Ross, Mikhail Pletnikov
Keywords(s): Clinical Diagnostics, CNS and Neurological Disorders, Discovery/Research Tools, Disease Indication, In Vitro Diagnostics, In Vivo Research Tool, Mouse Model, Mouse Model Xenograft, Psychiatric Diseases, Schizophrenia, Translational Research Biomarker
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Psychiatry > Schizophrenia, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics > In Vitro Diagnostics, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Animal Models, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics, Clinical and Disease Specializations > Psychiatry, Technology Classifications > Research Tools
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