Search Results - jeremy+nathans

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Antibodies to Visual Pigment Proteins, Transcription Factor Sox17, and Multimerized Epitope Tags
Unmet Need:Canonical Wnt signaling is one of the major pathways involved in embryonic development and tissue regeneration. Recent studies suggest that canonical Wnt signaling is vital for brain angiogenesis and the acquisition of barrier properties by the microvasculature. There is a need in the field for the development of reagents that allow for the...
Published: 9/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jeremy Nathans
Keywords(s): Antibodies, Discovery/Research Tools, Labels/Markers, Monoclonal Antibodies, Research Reagent
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Proteins, Ligands & Receptors, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Research Antibodies
Super-Top-Flash Luciferase Reporter Cell Line for Canonical Wnt Signaling
Unmet NeedCanonical Wnt signaling, a highly conserved developmental across evolution, plays a major role in the maintenance of homeostasis in diverse adult tissues. New experimental tools, including qualitative reagents, are necessary for the study of the pathway and the development of safe and specific Wnt inhibitors. Technology OverviewResearchers...
Published: 9/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jeremy Nathans
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Research Tools, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Cell Lines, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Imaging
Genetically Engineered Mice
ABSTRACTJHU researchers have constructed a wide variety of genetically engineered mice that are useful for research. FEATURESThe collection includes gene knockout mice and a variety of fluorescent reporter mice. It allows an investigator to monitor the effect of gene knock out or the results of selective expression of reporters in defined cells/tissues....
Published: 9/26/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jeremy Nathans
Keywords(s): Basic Research Biomarker, Discovery/Research Tools, In Vivo Research Tool, Knock Out Mouse Model, Mouse Model, Mouse Model Xenograft
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Animal Models, Technology Classifications > Research Tools
Transgenic and Knock-in Mouse Lines
Title: Transgenic and Knock-in Mouse LinesJHU Ref: C14590Mice available at Jackson Laboratory Strains and Descriptions1. Stock # 026005 B6;129-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG-GFP*)Nat/J Detailed DescriptionGt(ROSA)26Sor (R26) mLSL-nGFP mice incorporate a nuclear-localization signal (nls)-GFP open reading frame...
Published: 9/26/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jeremy Nathans
Keywords(s): Cell Lines, Discovery/Research Tools, In Vitro Research Tool, Mouse Cell Lines
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Animal Models, Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Cell Lines, Technology Classifications > Research Tools
Wnt Signaling Mice
Title: Wnt Signaling Mice JHU ref: C10729 JAX Stock No: 008614 B6;129-Sfrp2tm1Nat/J DESCRIPTION LacZ and a selectable neomycin marker replace the first coding exon of the frizzled-related protein 2 gene in this targeted mutation strain. Homozygotes exhibit mild syndactyly of the toes of the hind legs and are viable and fertile....
Published: 9/26/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jeremy Nathans
Keywords(s): Basic Research Biomarker, Discovery/Research Tools, In Vivo Research Tool, Mouse Model, Mouse Model Xenograft
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Research Tools > Animal Models, Technology Classifications > Research Tools
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